Month Archives: October 2022


The Night Shift – Bishop T.D. Jakes

When the evening strikes, we prepare to rest and reset, but God executes His best work during the night. In 1 Samuel 3:1-10, we learn that in the silence, He not only speaks, but He also makes room for what’s...


Music: ADORE – Harry Manny

United Kingdom, 10 October 2022. North Carolina based charismatic gospel minister Harry Manny releases a fresh and unforgettable kingdom sound titled ADORE   ABOUT THE SONG We have seen God’s faithfulness through the years and this sound is an expression...


How to Change Your Mindset

Often, we find ourselves contemplating on what our future holds, but if we look closely at our history, we discover the details of our destiny. God uses where we’ve been to establish in where we’re going. You may have been...

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